


Tic-tac-toe, also known as Naughts and Crosses, is one of the most widely known games. Found everywhere from the temples of ancient Egypt to the medieval cathedrals of England, tic-tac-toe has entertained people for centuries. While tic-tac-toe is now considered a child's game, it was not always the case. In the past, the game was linked to pagan rituals dedicated to the magic properties of the nine-square grid. The grid was known as the Magic Square because the numbers 1-9 could be arranged so that their sum is the same horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. During the Middle Ages, the Magic Square was known by secret societies as the Cabala of the Nine Chambers. They believed that the Magic Square held a numerological message about the world. Today, the game is more known as a simple childhood pastime. While in the United States, the game is known as tic-tac-toe, the original name "tit-tat-toe" comes from the 16th century. Tit by itself means to slap and a "tit for tat" is retaliation. Toe, which is the third piece placed makes the winning combination by securing the other two pieces. Tic-tac-toe reached stardom on the big screen in the Hollywood film Wargames, where tic-tac-toe was used to teach a supercomputer about no-win situations.

The Board

Tic-tac-toe is played on a three-row, three-column grid.


To move: One player on their turn draws an "X" mark on an empty space, while the other player on their turn draws an "O" mark on an empty space.

To win: A player wins when they create a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line of three of their marks.

If all nine spaces are filled and neither player has created a three-in-a-row, the game is a tie.a



Alternate Names


