five field kono
Five Field Kono (오밭고누) is an abstract strategy game from Korea.
The Board
Five Field Kono is played on a board containing 25 intersection points with lines indicating how pieces may travel among these points.[img src="a.svg" alt="a" width="300" height="300"]
The Pieces
The first player controls seven pieces of one color and the second player controls seven pieces of another color. At the start of the game, the pieces are arranged on the board as follows:[img src="fivefieldkono.svg" alt="a" width="300" height="300"]
To move: Move one of your pieces to an adjacent unoccupied point. Note that pieces may only travel along the lines, so a piece may only slide to diagonally adjacent points and may not slide to orthogonally adjacent points. Pieces are allowed to move backwards toward their starting points. There are no captures.
To win: Move all seven of your pieces to the starting points of your opponent's pieces.
If a player cannot make a move because all of their pieces have no empty points to slide to, then the game is a tie, though there are different variations of the game that define the outcome as a win or a loss for that player.[br]Example piece movements are shown in the following animation:
- Outcome of Game when a Player Cannot Move: If a player has no legal moves (i.e., all of their pieces are trapped), decide whether that player loses, ties, or wins the game.
- Andrew Lee (Backend, Solving, GamesmanUni GUI)
- Max Fierro (Backend, Solving, GamesmanUni GUI)